Monday, March 21, 2016

SPRING on your table!

Well, hello spring! And hello color, hello fresh air, and hello errant fruit and bloom fragrances that flit around and catch you unawares.
In celebration of spring and the myriad blooms that it brings, here's some easy-to-put-together Spring vignettes for your table. 

Tulip stories

Like Sylvia Plath, we too find tulips to be too excitable. And what's more, they excite us to no end when they arrive in hoards in spring. Here's a few fun ways to display those tulips that you so lovingly picked up on your way home.

Fruits and Eggs anyone?

If flowers aren't enough to satisfy your creative impulses, here's some Easter-inspired decor with fruits and vegetable and eggs and all sorts of wonderful things in life.

Drinksome today?

So, how about we put some beautifully light, effervescent, uplifting drinks on the table to celebrate the return of color? 
blueberry mojito?
A coconut lavender lemonade?
A honey citrus cocktail?
A spiked raspberry sweet tea?
An elderflower and gin tonic?
Whatever it is that you fancy, we got you covered!

Spring stories on the table

Bring the outdoors inside with a simple, stylish, nature-inspired table arrangement. Moss, daisies, and thrift store jars to the rescue!
And as you consider these vignettes, let the spirit of spring add a sway to your soul and spring to your step!

Happy Spring y'all!
Team OnceUponABazaar

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